

Winning a War

Parents are the new soldiers in the battle against drugs. Anti drugs campaigns and scare tactics have failed! Dollar Drug Test Club a parents best tool against their child’s greatest enemy. Giving each child the best they possibly could.. When applied it will prevent kids who don’t use from starting. For the kids who are using, they can be helped far earlier than what would have played out.

The Experts Opinions

Data shows stronger drugs are being tried at younger ages. For the developing brains of the young, there are clear dangers. Addiction risk is far higher for the youth. Teenagers struggling with ADHD, anxiety, depression and other emotional problems often turn to alcohol or drugs to help them manage painful feelings. Those who use are not in a moral failing, but have yet to be shown a better way of dealing with life. This subscription service is here to set a healthy boundary for those growing up. Drugs are never the solution. 

Team work makes the dream work

In a perfect world every family joins creating great change in protection. No more kids to try or buy drugs means millions of lives saved and turned in a better direction. Countless families avoiding one of the darkest tragedies. This is the ideal vision, but imagine if only 10% of kids using today were stopped.. The rewards would be tremendous. Benefits lasting generations. This vision like any others is created twice, once in our mind and then in reality. The space in between those requires action. So it is up to you! Moms and dads, thank you for doing your part in a war to be won on drugs!


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